Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Upaya Membina Keluarga Mawaddah; Analisis Pembinaan Keluarga Mawaddah dalam Perspektif Pendidikan Islam

Pemb ina 's family mawaddah aimed at the realization of family life as a vehicle seedbed values of Islam, then p erlu fostered and promoted public awareness of the importance of a happy and prosperous family norms are guided by a sense of responsibility, volunteerism, religious values .
Agama memiliki peran penting dalam membina keluarga sejahtera. Agama yang merupakan jawaban dan penyelesaian terhadap fungsi kehidupan manusia adalah ajaran atau sistem yang mengatur tata keimanan (kepercayaan) dan peribadatan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta tata kaidah yang berhubungan dengan pergaulan manusia dan manusia serta lingkungannya. Oleh karena itu, sebuah keluarga haruslah memiliki dan berpegang pada suatu agama yang diyakininya (Islam) agar pembinaan keluarga sejahtera dapat terwujud sejalan dengan apa yang diajarkan oleh agama.
Dalam Islam terdapat konsep keluarga sakinah, mawaddah wa rahmah yakni keluarga yang tenteram di mana suami-istri dituntut menciptakan kehidupan rumah tangga yang harmoni antara kebutuhan fisik dan psikis. Yang dimaksud psikis adalah menjadikan keluarga sebagai basis pendidikan sekaligus penghayatan agama anggota keluarga. Kebahagiaan merupakan kebutuhan setiap manusia. Karena keluarga bahagia yang berarti: keluarga yang terbentuk dari pasangan suami istri yang diawali dengan memilih pasangan yang baik, kemudian menerapkan nilai-nilai Islam dalam melakukan hak dan kewajiban rumah tangga serta mendidik anak dalam suasana mawaddah wa rahmah.
Perkawinan sebagai perjanjian timbal balik yang menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban pada suami maupun isteri memiliki makna religius dan sosial, yaitu sebagai berikut:
  1. Makna religius: perkawinan adalah setengah dari ibadah. Ia bukan hanya suatu perkara duniawi, tetapi juga kenyataan yang menyangkut Tuhan. Di dalam perayaan nikah beliau selalu berdo’a pada Allah agar memberkati dan menyatukan kedua mempelai agar menjadi keluarga sakinah.
  2. Makna sosial: Rasulullah Saw menganjurkan agar perkawinan dilaksanakan dengan tidak sembunyi-sembunyi, tetapi terbuka, sekurang-kurangnya di hadapan dua saksi pria dengan diumumkan di khalayak ramai, agar tidak menjadi fitnah.[1]
The family has a very significant role and function in the life of society, religion and nation and nation. The Muslim family is the first patron, where children are raised as well as the mainstream education in an Islamic educational setting. While on the other hand, the Muslim family is a pair of husband and wife whose two core figures (father and mother) combine in realizing the goal of Islamic education. For that family coaching disyari'atkan. The main purpose of family coaching can be found in several explanations as follows:
  1. Uphold the laws of Allah Swt
Upholding the laws of Allah Swt here means realizing the religion and the pleasure of Allah SWT in relation to all affairs and the relationship of husband and wife. This means establishing a Muslim family whose life is based on worship to Allah Swt as an attempt to realize the ultimate goal of Islamic education.
The educative impact of this goal is that family members can grow and develop into adults in a family environment built on devotion and faith in Allah SWT. [2] The desire to uphold the laws of Allah and make His Shari'a as judge in all matters. In such an atmosphere the child learns, even imitating it naturally without feeling compelled or labored. He absorbed the customs of both his parents by bertaklid, accompanied by a sense of satisfaction and accept the Islamic creed. [3]
Al-Nahlawi asserted that, aqidah is a mind that must be believed by man, all his actions and behavior are based on the Islamic aqidah. Aqidah Islam biasa dikototasikan dengan rukun iman serta cabang-cabangnya, seperti tauhidah diva dan pengindaran segala hal yang mirip shirk. So faith is the basis of all beliefs. [4]
  1. Realize the peace of the soul
In connection with the realization of peace of mind, Allah SWT says:
He who created you from the same one and made them her husband to dwell therein (customs: 189)   
It means: "He is the One who created you from one's self, and from it He created his wife, to be pleased with him". (QS Al-A'raf: 189).
Among his signs is that He created for you wives from among yourselves, to dwell in them, and to make between you affection and mercy, for there are signs for those who think (Romans 21)                                           
Meaning: "And among the signs of His power, He created for you a wife from your own self, that ye may incline and feel unto him, and make it between you a sense of love and affection. Verily in this is indeed a sign for a people who think. (QS Ar-Ruum: 21)

If a husband and wife unite on the basis of mutual love, mutual love and tranquility of the soul, then the child will be educated in a happy atmosphere filled with confidence, peace, full of tenderness and affection, they will avoid the anxiety, insensitivity and psychological diseases that weaken his personality .
  1. Perform the command of the Prophet

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded to give birth to a believing and righteous generation, so that on the Day of Judgment he would be proud of us against other peoples. It is clear that Muslim families are obliged to educate their children in order to realize the teachings of Islam and the pillars of faith in their souls and behaviors. Many descendants who shalih bring their own pride. On the shoulders of both parents lies the responsibility of educating and protecting children from loss, crime, and hell fire that awaits every believer who does not believe in Allah Swt following the path of the believers.
O ye who believe, keep yourselves and your families, fire, their fuel, men and stones, with angels that are heavy against them, that they will not disobey Allah, who will command them, and they will do what they enjoin.              
It means: "O ye who believe! Guard your souls and your family from the fire of hell whose fuel is human and stone, the guardian of the violent, hardened angels, who do not disobey Allah against what He commands them and always do what is always ordered ". (QS At-Tahrim: 6).

This responsibility is felt increasingly important in the present, because the part of the analysis of social life outside the family and the mosque does not always support the achievement of the goals of Islamic education. For example there are temporary radio shows, television, internet, as well as some magazines present stories that are not properly watched and read by children. If both parents are less alert, it will not be easy to save their children from the temptation of shaitan, both in the form of humans and jinns.
  1. Realize love for children
Compassion to children is one of the instincts (God-given) given by Allah to humans and animals, and is one of the biological, psychological, social and natural principles for most living things.
The family, whose two pillars are two parents, carries responsibility, affection and love for children, because these are all inclusive of the principle of growth and psychological and social development that is solid and straightforward to them.
If love for children is not adequately realized and balanced, then the child will have difficulty in harmonizing and in the life of his society, being unable to mingle, nor being able to live help-help or prioritize the interests of others and set aside self-interest. Then if he has grown up, sometimes can not be a loving father or husband who can get along well with his wife, and get into trouble in the neighboring life.
The foundation of happy family life is reciprocal love, so if the child grows up, he / she will be able to spread this attitude of love out of the family environment, the societies of Islam. Thus growing among the Muslims the attitude of mutual love, and this attitude grows among individuals in the whole society.
Maintaining the child's nature from inflexibility and deviation. Islam views the family responsible for the child's nature. All the irregularities that fall into that nature according to the Islamic point of view are based on both parents or educators who represent it. The view is based on the view that the child was born in a state of pure and healthy nature. [5]
Regarding this meaning, Rasulullah saw said in the narrative of Abu Hurairah, as follows:
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Every birth is born on instinct, and its parents are Jews,                    
It means: From Abi Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu said the Messenger of Allah: "Every child who is born in a state of affairs (holy), both of them are the ones who educate him as Jews, Christians or Jews. (Narrated by Bukhari) ". [6]      
This Hadith gives parents valuable lessons in educating their children: first , educating and exemplifying good deeds for children early on. Allah Swt. Instruct parents to care for, care for and educate their children properly to develop into healthy adults, strong, intelligent and shalih or shalihah.
Second , Allah Almighty has gifted human intelligence in the form of reason as a differentiator with other creatures. With this intelligence, human beings are able to change the world to be good or bad, including determining bad or bad education of their children. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) has attributed a good change to the children to the parents. [7]
Therefore, between the obligations of both parents and educators is to familiarize the child to remember the majesty and blessings of Allah SWT, to seek the argument of His essence from the effects of His power and to interpret the natural phenomena of cold, hot, night, noon, earthquake, storm and so on with the interpretation that confirms this purpose, in order to realize the purity of the fitrah of the child and his readiness to mentauhidkan and glorify Allah SWT. Reveals the firmness of the attitude before the child in the face of deviations of the astray, the wrathful, the polytheists and their followers.

[1] Jamali Sahrodi,Dissecting the Reason of Islamic Education, Introduction to the Educational Science of Islam, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Rihlah Group, 2005), p. 95.

[2] Abdurrahman an-Nahlawi,Principles and Methods of Islamic Education,(Bandung: Dipenogoro, 1989), p. 184-185.
[3] Mulyadhi Kartanegara,Mozaik Khazanah Islam, The Potpourri of Chicago, (Jakarta: Paramadina, 2000), p. 74.
[4] Abdurrahman al-Nahlawi,al-Hadhârah al-Islâmiyah(Beirut: Darul 'Arabiyah Littiba'ah, tt), hal. 90-104.

[5] Hamdani Ihsan and A. Fuad Ihsan,Philosophy of Islamic Education(Bandung: Setia Library, 2007), p. 114-120.
[6] Imam Bukhari,Shahih Bukhari, Juz. II, (Cairo: Darul Mutabi'aby, t. T), p. 118.

[7] Jamali Sahradi,Dissecting the Reason of Islamic Education, Introduction to the Educational Science of Islam,(Yogyakarta: Pustaka Rihlah Group, 2005), p. 92-93.

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