Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Asas-asas Pendidikan Islam


B talk about the principles of Islamic education, then the most important element in it is about human nature. Therefore, in  a l -Q ur ' an, we find a complete picture of human nature that is written in the verses that explore directly with the mention of Adam, Bani Adam, al-Bechar, an-Nas, al -Insan and its various different creations, as well as various other places within a l -Q ur ' an.
A. Man As the Caliph of God on the Face of Earth      
Allah swt wants to create his caliphs on earth with the task of prospering nature and developing the message of the leaflet and upholding all deeds that belong to the good, kindness and truth. The assignment of this khalifah is accompanied by the potency created by Allah SWT, the creation of God Almighty. for him and the knowledge supplied by Allah SWT. to him. Thus the khalifah was assigned to always carry the Sharia of Allah. and carrying the burden imposed on him: if he does not do it, then he has followed his lust and become a destroyer on the face of the earth . (Abdul Fattah Jalal, 1988: 42-43) . This can be seen in a l -Q ur ' an as follows:
وإذا قالوا أتجعل فيها من يصسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسب بحمدك وما كلما
Meaning: Remember when your Rab said to the angels: "Surely I will make a caliph in the earth". They said: "Will you make the caliph on the earth, the one who will make damage to it and shed blood, while we always glorify you by praising You and purifying you?" He said: "I know what you do not know." QS2: 30).

Thus, human beings become God's khalifah on earth. He is placed to earth to manage what is in it and to work hand in hand between fellow human beings and prosper the earth. If any of the Children of Adam who increases his dignity to the level of the angels, perhaps even exceeds him, then that happens because they are doing what Allah Almighty has imposed. to him and to implement the Shari'ah of Allah, to fight on the path of righteousness and to concentrate his life in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah SWT. and the benefit of people and realize the common benefits for humans. They are the Apostles.
Similarly among the descendants of Adam as. There may also be those who fall to the lowest level, while they disbelieve the favor of Allah Swt. and do the damage on the face of the earth and waste the khilafah favors . With his knowledge, human beings deserve the honor of the angels, as depicted in surah al-Baqarah verses 30-34; that Allah Swt. has taught the name of the whole thing to Adam as, but the angels are not able to know it, so Allah Almighty. ordered them to prostrate to Adam as. So they prostrated, except the devious and arrogant demons.
As for the axis of the human caliphate is the use of reason, the duty of celestial tasks and the implementation of trust through the path of knowledge learned, the realization of understanding and the distinction between the bad and the good. In this case it is clear that the advantages of human beings are compared with all other creatures, even the angels, because they are just doing the commands without thinking or considering them. While humans are beings who are prepared to think and take responsibility and trust. Therefore, he is entitled to be the khalifah of Allah on earth, even the right of Allah SWT. blowing His spirit upon him.
B. God Creates Humans in the Best Build      
The human being to be God. as a caliph on earth, has made him in his best appearance. It makes humans as His creation in the best possible way. He created human beings as the best, birth and inner creation, with beautiful designs and unparalleled structures. God has sworn that He has created man in the best building:
والتين والزيتونات وطور سيين وه البلد الأمين لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم
Meaning: By the means of the Tin and the Olives, and by the Mount Sinai, and by this peaceful city (Makkah), We have created man in the best of buildings (QS 95: 1-4).
In interpreting this verse, al-Qurthubi mentions that Allah Swt. has created Adam as. And his grandson is in a state of erect and beautiful. Allah Swt. has created everything in line with his will. He created humanity perfectly: having an elaborate oral, hand and finger fingers to grasp. Abubakar Ibn Thahir said, "Man is decorated with reason, able to execute commands, be educated, have a good body shape and get food with his hands". Ibn al-Arabi said, "Allah Swt. have no better beings than humans ". God created man with the potential to live, to know, to be able, to desire, to speak, to hear, to see, to think and to be wise. All these are the attributes of Allah SWT. which is likened by some scholars with the words: "Truly God has created Adam in His image", which is based on the attributes mentioned earlier. And in a history it is said "Based on the description of ar Rahman". This opinion is based on mere imagery. (Tafsir al-Qurthubi: 7204).
Muhammad Abduh said: "Allah swt, swear, that He has formed man in the form of the most important and arranged the best of the order. The statement is corroborated by a presupposition, that is, when man forgets the (not utilized) reason made by Allah SWT. as a means to glorify it, they tend to see themselves (put themselves in position) as a mere animal, like any other animal. They will act like animals, unhindered by shame. In fact some of them say that human beings are created with a tendency to evil. So to show the misguidance of this view of Allah SWT. confirms that He has bestowed upon man the best of fitrah,
After following this information, there is no reason to say that human nature is evil. Even the human nature is the character that has been prepared well.
C. Allah Subdued Everything in Heaven and on Earth for Man      
Allah Swt. has conquered everything that belongs to the earth and sky for this glorified human, so that he can perform his duties as the caliph of Allah SWT on earth. Allah Swt. has placed everything on earth under human power, both land and sea, enabling people to manage both and move in them with the mind and the knowledge. This can be seen in the Qur'an as follows:
أ لم تر أن الله سخرلكم ما فأ الأرض والفلك تجرة فإر بأمره ويمسك السماء أن تقع على الأرض إلا بإذنه إن الله باليساس لرؤوف رحيم
Meaning: Do you not see that Allah is wandering over all that is in the earth and the ark which sails in the sea by His command? And He restrains the heavens from falling into the earth, but by His leave? Indeed, Allah is Most Loving, Most Merciful to man (QS 22: 65).
Even Allah Swt. to subdue all that is in the heavens and the earth for mankind:
Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.  ماخرخركم ما في السموات وما في الأرض جميعا منه إن في ذلك لأيات لقوم يتفكرون.
Meaning: God is the one who subjugates the oceans to you so that the ships can sail on Him with His permission, and that you may seek some of His gifts and hopefully you are grateful. And He subdies for you what is in the heavens and what is on earth all, (as mercy) than Him. Verily in that are Signs of Allah for those who think (QS 45: 12-13).

In the surah an-Nahl verse 4-18, Allah Swt describes many things that He has forbidden to man, so that he can use it in life and facilitate in performing his duties. But, how do humans carry out the duties charged to him? God has prepared for man a set of His creation system that makes it possible to perform his duties.

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