Monday, October 30, 2017

Fungsi Manajemen dalam Islam

Talking about the function of Islamic education management can not be separated from the general management function as proposed by Henry Fayol, a French industrialist, he says that the management functions are designing, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Fayol's ideas came into use as a management science textbook framework in the mid-1950s, and continues to the present day. [1]
Robbin and Coulter meanwhile say that the most important basic management functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. [2] Similarly Mahdi bin Ibrahim stated that the function of management or leadership tasks in its implementation includes various things, namely: Planning, organizing, directing and supervision. [3]
To facilitate the discussion of the function of Islamic education management, we (group 1) will describe the function of Islamic education management in accordance with the opinions expressed by Robbin and Coulter whose opinions are similar to Mahdi bin Ibrahim namely: Planning, organizing, directing / leadership, and supervision.
a. Function Planning (Planning)        
Planning is a prime process when going to do the work both in the form of thinking and framework for the goal to be achieved to get optimal results. Likewise, in the planning of Islamic ummah should be made the first step that really paid attention by managers and managers of Islamic guidance . Because planning is an important part of a success, the mistake in determining the planning of Islamic guidance will result in a very patal for the sustainability of Islamic pontificate . Even God gives direction to every believer to design a plan what will be done in the future, as His Word in Al -Qur'an Surat Al Hasyr verse 18 reads:
It means: O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and let each one observe what he has done for the hereafter; and fear Allah: for Allah knoweth well all that ye do.

When drawing up a plan in Islamic coaching is not only done to achieve the goals of the world alone, but it must go far beyond the limits of the world's target of life. Point out that plan also to achieve the target of happiness of the world and the hereafter, so that both can be achieved in a balanced way.
Mahdi bin Ibrahim points out that there are five important things to note for the success of a plan, namely :
1) Accuracy and clarity in shaping the goal     
2) Timeliness with the goal to be achieved     
3) The linkage between the operational phases of the plan with the operational responsibility, so that they know the phases with the objectives to be achieved     
4) Attention to aspects of amaliah in terms of community acceptance, consider planning, suitability of planning with the team responsible for operations or with partners, the possibilities that can be achieved, and the readiness of planning to evaluate continuously in realizing the objectives. 
5) Organizational ability of operational responsibility bearer. [4]     

Meanwhile, according to Ramayulis said that the Management P Education Islam planning include :
1) Determining priorities for effective implementation of education, priority needs to include all components involved in the educational process, the community and even students  
2) Establishment of objectives as a guidance line and as an evaluation of the implementation and outcomes of education   
3) Formulation of procedures as stages of action plan     
4) Delivery of responsibility to individuals and working groups. [5]     

From the above it can be concluded that in m anajeman coaching Islam planning is the key to determine the next activity. Without careful planning other activities will not work well and may even fail. Therefore make the planning as possible to meet satisfactory success.

b. Organizing functions (organizing)       
The teachings of Islam always encourage its followers to do everything in a neatly organized manner, because it can be a neatly organized truth that can easily be destroyed by a well-organized kebathilan. According to Terry organizing is a basic activity of management dilaksnakan to organize all the necessary resources including the human element, so the work can be completed successfully. [6] The organization in the Islamic view is not merely a container, but rather emphasizes on how a job is done neatly. The organization puts more emphasis on regulating the working mechanism. In an organization there are leaders and subordinates . [7]
Meanwhile, Ramayulis stated that organizing in Islamic education is the process of determining the structure, activity, interaction, coordination, structural design, authority, task in a transparent, and clear. In the institution of education Isla m , both individual, group, and institutional. [8]
An organization of Islamic education in management will run smoothly and in accordance with the purpose if it is consistent with the principles of the design journey organization that is k ebebasan, justice, and deliberation. If all these principles can be applied consistently in the process of management of educational institutions I slam will be very helpful for managers or leaders in the development of Islamic shari'ah .
From the description above it can be understood that organizing is the second phase after the planning that has been made before. Organizing occurs because the work that needs to be done is too much for one person to handle. Thus the need for relief workers and an effective working group is established. Many thoughts, hands, and skills are gathered into one that must be coordinated not only for the accomplishment of the tasks involved, but also to create usefulness for each member of the group against the desires of skill and knowledge.
c. Directing Functions .        
Briefing is the process of providing guidance to co-workers so that they become knowledgeable employees and will work effectively towards predetermined goals.
In the briefing function there are four components, namely the directors, the directors, the directors and the guidance method. The Director  is the person who gives direction in the form of commands, prohibitions and guidance. The ones being heard are people who want to realize the direction. The direction of the directive is something that the director is directing in the form of commands, prohibitions, and guidance. While the method of directing is the communication system between the director and the directed.
In the management of Islamic education, so that the contents of a briefing given to people briefed be executed properly then a director at least have to pay attention to the following principles, namely: k eteladanan, consistency, transparency, softness, and policies. The contents of guidance either in the form of orders, prohibitions, or guidance should not be burdensome and beyond the ability of the recipient of direction, because if it happens then do not expect the contents of the briefing can be executed properly by the recipient of the briefing.
Thus it can be concluded that the guiding function in Islamic peer management is a process of guidance based on religious principles to co-workers, so that the person is willing to carry out his duties solemnly and enthusiastically with great sincerity.
d. Function of Controlling       
Supervision is the overall effort to observe the implementation of operational activities to ensure that the activities are in accordance with the predetermined plan. Even Didin and Hendri stated that in the view of Islam supervision is done to straighten the unjust, correct the wrong and justify the right. [9] In Islamic guidance , supervision is defined as a continuous monitoring process to ensure the implementation of the plan consistently both material and spiritually.
According to Ramayulis supervision in Islamic coaching has the following characteristics: the supervision is material and spiritual, monitoring not only the manager, but also Allah SWT, using humane methods that uphold human dignity. [10] With such a characteristic it can be understood that the executor of the agreed plans will be accountable to his manager and God as the Supreme Controller. On the other hand supervision in the Islamic concept is prioritized using a human approach, an approach that is imbued with Islamic values.

[1], Retrieved on November 16, 2014.
[2] Robbin and Coulter,Management...,p. 9. 
[3] Mahdi bin Ibrahim,Amanah in Management, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al Kautsar, 1997), p. 61. 
[4] Mahdi bin Ibrahim,Amanah in Management..., p. 63. 
[5] Ramayulis,Educational Sciences...,p. 271. 
[6] George R Terry,Principles of Management, (Jakarta: Earth Script 2003), p. 73. 
[7] Didin Hafidudin and Hendri Tanjung,Sharia Management in Pratik, (Jakarta: Gema Insani, 2003, p. 101. 
[8] Ramayulis,Islamic Educational Science..., p. 272. 
[9] Didin Hafidudin and Hendri Tanjung,Sharia Management..., p. 156. 
[10] Ramayulis,Islamic Educational Science..., p. 274. 

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